of the old Hellenic Eastern world, the world that eventually hung on to Aristotle—remember Avicenna and Averroes gave Aristotle finally to the West. But Aristotle had been kept in this Eastern world through the centuries and eventually about the 12th century, his text was given to the West from the Arab world. The Arabs kept Aristotle and used his philosophy before the West had him. So in the same way, Dostoyevsky was using art forms that go way back into Byzantine times, Hellenic times, and are based on the Mardi Gras festival world of fun and games. And his Notes From Underground or his Idiot or whatnot, these are really parts of ancient and traditional entertainment. Among the, one of the major forms of function for these entertainments was to put down the highbrows, to debunk—what did they use to call it? On the radio programmes?